Code Analysis of std::move and std::forward

In the previous blog post, we explored move semantics and perfect forwarding.
During this discussion, we used two new standard functions: std::move and std::forward.

Now that we understand move semantics and perfect forwarding,
it is worth examining the internal implementation of std::move and std::forward.
This requires some basic knowledge of C++ templates.

1. Template Type Deduction Rules

For a template like this:

template <typename T>
void wrapper(T&& arg) {

int x=10;
wrapper(x);   // T => int&
wrapper(20);  // T => int

When the argument is an lvalue, T is deduced as an lvalue reference, meaning T = int&.
Thus, T&& becomes int& &&, and according to reference collapsing rules, int& && is equivalent to int&.

When the argument is an rvalue, T is deduced as the type itself, meaning T = int.
Thus, T&& becomes int&&, which is a rvalue reference.

This is the fundamental reason why T&& is called a universal reference.

2. Argument Forwarding

In C++, when forwarding template parameters, rvalues are copied, losing their original temporary nature, which can lead to unnecessary performance overhead.

void SomeFunc(int& x) { std::cout << "Lvalue reference called\n"; }
void SomeFunc(int&& x) { std::cout << "Rvalue reference called\n"; }

template <typename T>
void wrapper(T arg) {
    SomeFunc(arg);  // ⚠️ `arg` is always an lvalue inside the function

int main() {
    int a = 10;
    wrapper(a);   // ✅ Calls `SomeFunc(int&)` correctly
    wrapper(20);  // ❌ Expected to call `SomeFunc(int&&)` but incorrectly calls `SomeFunc(int&)`

3. Universal References

The universal references, a term coined by Scott Meyers.
Simply put, a universal reference is something that can bind to both lvalues and rvalues.
In code, it typically looks like T&&.

There are two conditions for something to be a universal reference:

4. Reference Collapsing

C++ template type deduction follows certain reference collapsing rules:

5. Implementation of std::forward and std::remove_reference

//`std::remove_reference<T>` is a **type trait** that removes reference qualifiers (`&` or `&&`) from a given type `T`:

template <typename T> 
struct remove_reference{ typedef T type}
template <typename T> 
struct remove_reference<T&>{ typedef T type}
template <typename T> 
struct remove_reference<T&&>{ typedef T type}

//std::move will convert the argument into rvalue reference no matter what arg is
template<typename T>
typename std::remove_reference<T>::type&&  move(T&& arg){ 
    return static_cast<typename std::remove_reference<T>::type&&>(arg); 

template <typename T>
T&& forward(typename remove_reference<T>::type& arg){
	return static_cast<T&&>(arg);

After understanding some of the advanced tricks in C++ templates,
it becomes clear that std::move does nothing
it simply converts an lvalue or lvalue reference into an rvalue reference at compile time.

Meanwhile, std::forward uses reference collapsing rules
to preserve whether the argument was originally an lvalue reference or an rvalue reference,
and returns it accordingly.

In simple terms:

🚀 There is no runtime overhead—these functions generate no actual runtime code!

Understanding std::forward is more challenging than std::move.
However, once you grasp template type deduction and reference collapsing rules,
you will fully understand how std::forward works:

Thus, std::forward successfully achieves perfect forwarding.