The Big Four of C++20: Coroutine

In the previous blog, we introduced C++20 modules. This article dives into C++20 coroutines through three executable examples. The content is divided into three parts: the first part conceptually discusses the differences between coroutines and regular functions; the second part presents two complete coroutine code examples and delves into the compiler level, providing an in-depth analysis of promise_type and its workflow; the third part explains the purpose and working principles of co_await, which is the most challenging section to understand.

What Are C++ Coroutines?

  1. Syntactic Perspective: Any function containing co_await, co_yield, or co_return becomes a coroutine.
  2. System Perspective: Coroutines are code blocks running in threads that can be paused/resumed, enabling single-threaded asynchrony - fundamentally different from multi-threaded asynchrony.
    • Thread suspension involves OS-managed context switching with stack preservation.
    • Coroutine suspension is lightweight, preserving execution state without CPU resource release.
  3. Execution Flow:
    • Regular functions: invoke → finalize
    • Coroutines: invoke → suspend ↔ resume → finalize

In a non-coroutine scenario, when calling a function within the same thread, execution always starts from the first line of the function. The only way for execution to return to the caller is through return (ignoring exceptions). After a function returns, if it is called again, execution will always restart from the first line.

In the case of coroutines, calling a coroutine function allows it to suspend and resume multiple times. A coroutine can suspend itself using co_yield while returning a value to the caller. When resumed, execution continues from the statement immediately following the last suspension instead of restarting from the beginning.

When suspending a coroutine, it needs to save its execution state, including internal variable values.
Where is this information stored?
Who is responsible for saving and restoring it?
A coroutine can return multiple values to its caller.
How are these “return values” transmitted?
(Non-coroutine functions return values using the return mechanism, often placing them in registers such as eax.)

With these three fundamental questions in mind, let’s formally explore the world of C++20 coroutines.

Coroutine Frame, promise_type, future_type, and coroutine_handle

Key Principles:

  1. C++20 coroutines have no scheduler - suspension/resumption is managed by compiler-injected code.
  2. C++20 provides coroutine mechanics, not a library - developers build libraries atop these.

Coroutine Keywords:

  • co_yield value: Suspends coroutine, returns value to caller
  • co_await awaitable: Suspends if awaitable isn’t ready
  • co_return value: Terminates coroutine, returns value

Example 1: Minimal Coroutine (No Return Value)

(Compiler: x86-64 GCC (coroutines) on Godbolt)

#include <iostream>
#include <coroutine>

struct future_type {
    struct promise_type;
    using co_handle_type = std::coroutine_handle<promise_type>;

    struct promise_type {
        promise_type() { std::cout << "promise_type constructor\n"; }
        ~promise_type() { std::cout << "promise_type destructor\n"; }

        auto get_return_object() { 
            std::cout << "get_return_object\n"; 
            return co_handle_type::from_promise(*this); 
        auto initial_suspend() { 
            std::cout << "initial_suspend\n"; 
            return std::suspend_always(); 
        auto final_suspend() noexcept { 
            std::cout << "final_suspend\n"; 
            return std::suspend_always(); 
        void return_void() { std::cout << "return_void\n"; }
        void unhandled_exception() { std::terminate(); }
    future_type(co_handle_type co_handle) : co_handle_(co_handle) {
        std::cout << "future_type constructor\n";
    ~future_type() { 
        std::cout << "future_type destructor\n"; 

    bool resume() { 
        if (!co_handle_.done()) co_handle_.resume(); 
        return !co_handle_.done();

    co_handle_type co_handle_;

future_type three_step_coroutine() {
    std::cout << "three_step_coroutine begin\n";
    co_await std::suspend_always();
    std::cout << "three_step_coroutine running\n";
    co_await std::suspend_always();
    std::cout << "three_step_coroutine end\n";

int main() {
    future_type ret = three_step_coroutine(); 
    ret.resume();  // First resume
    ret.resume();  // Second resume
    ret.resume();  // Third resume
    return 0;

The output:

promise_type constructor
future_type constructor
=======calling first resume======
three_step_coroutine begin
=======calling second resume=====
three_step_coroutine running
=======calling third resume======
three_step_coroutine end
=======main end======
future_type destructor
promise_type destructor

C++20 Coroutine Execution: Breaking Traditional Assumptions

Let’s temporarily ignore the seemingly complex future_type and promise_type structures and start from the main function. The very first line of code completely differs from pre-coroutine-era code.

From a traditional perspective:

  1. three_step_coroutine appears to be a function (with (), return value, and code blocks)
  2. ret seems like a return value of three_step_coroutine with type future_type
  3. After line 1 executes, ret being returned implies three_step_coroutine has finished execution

In the coroutine era, all these assumptions are completely invalid:

  1. three_step_coroutine is not a function - it’s a coroutine! (contains co_await in body)
  2. ret is not a return value - it’s the coroutine object manager (stores coroutine state)
  3. After line 1 completes, not a single line of three_step_coroutine’s body has executed!

C++20 Coroutine Execution Flow

Let’s examine the execution sequence after main starts, ignoring future_type and promise_type internals:

  1. Coroutine Frame Allocation Compiler-injected code calls new to allocate a coroutine frame and copy parameters into it. (Note: promise_type can override new operator. Default uses global new. Overriding new typically requires overriding delete)

  2. Promise Object Construction Compiler generates code to construct promise_type object within the frame.

  3. Return Object Acquisition Get return_object to store coroutine’s “return value”. This object will be used after first suspension.

  4. Initial Suspension Call promise.initial_suspend() to suspend three_step_coroutine, preparing to return control to main.

  5. Future Object Creation Construct future_type object and return it to ret. Control returns to main.

  6. First Resume main calls ret.resume(): Uses co_handle_ in future_type to resume coroutine,Control transfers from main to three_step_coroutine

  7. First Coroutine Execution Coroutine executes first std::cout, then hits co_await and suspends itself. Control returns to main.

  8. Second Resume (Execution similar to step 6-7, omitted for brevity)

  9. Final Coroutine Execution
    On third resume():
    • Coroutine executes final std::cout
    • Calls return_void() to store “return value” in return_object (which is actually promise object)
  10. Final Suspension
    Call promise.final_suspend() to suspend coroutine again. Control returns to main.

  11. Cleanup
    After main ends:
    • future object destroyed
    • promise object destroyed
    • Program terminates

By analyzing the above code and its execution process, we can conclude the following points:

• The main function cannot be a coroutine, meaning co_await, co_return, and co_yield keywords cannot appear in the main function (constructors cannot be coroutines either).

• Non-coroutine code (code in the main function) can call coroutine code.

• Non-coroutine code can control coroutine execution via the coroutine handle co_handle. In this example, non-coroutine code calls the resume method exposed by the future object, using co_handle to control coroutine resumption.

• Before the coroutine executes for the first time, compiler-inserted code will create a promise object and call its get_return_type method to obtain the return_object.

• Then, the initial_suspend method is called, which determines whether the coroutine should suspend after initialization or start executing the coroutine body immediately.

• After the coroutine suspends for the first time, a future object is created and returned to the caller, transferring execution control back to the caller.

• After the last line of the coroutine body executes, return_void or return_value is called to store the return value. Then, the final_suspend method in promise is invoked. If this method suspends the coroutine, control is returned directly to the caller. If it does not suspend the coroutine, once the code inside final_suspend completes execution, the coroutine is fully finished, the promise object is destroyed, and control is returned to the caller.

From the above conclusions, we can further summarize:

future_type, promise_type, and coroutine_handle are the core mechanisms of coroutines.

promise_type is a type within future_type.

• The design choices for a coroutine (such as the type of value it returns, whether it suspends after initialization, how exceptions are handled, etc.) are conveyed to the compiler via promise_type, and the compiler is responsible for instantiating the promise object.

• The compiler embeds the coroutine handle (coroutine_handle) into the future object, thereby exposing control of the coroutine to the caller.

Below is a rough representation of the actual code inserted by the compiler, where <body> represents the code inside our three_step_coroutine.

  co_await promise.initial_suspend();
  }catch (...){
  co_await promise.final_suspend();

From the above code, we can see that before the coroutine body is executed, the initial_suspend method is called first. If an exception occurs, the unhandled_exception method is executed. After execution is complete, the final_suspend method is called. Additionally, promise_type has multiple interfaces that are not reflected in the above code.

Let’s take a full look at the interfaces of promise_type:

promise_type Interface Function Required
initial_suspend() Determines when the coroutine body starts execution Yes
final_suspend() Determines the behavior after the coroutine body completes execution Yes
get_return_object() Retrieves the holder that stores the coroutine return value Yes
unhandled_exception() Defines how to handle exceptions during coroutine execution Yes
return_value(T), return_void() Defines the behavior of the co_return xxx; statement in the coroutine body No
yield_value() Defines the behavior of the co_yield xxx; statement in the coroutine body No
await_transform() Defines the behavior of the co_await xxx; statement in the coroutine body. When this method is defined, the compiler transforms each co_await xxx; appearing in the coroutine body into co_await promise.await_transform(xxx); No

coroutine_handle Interfaces

The coroutine_handle also exposes multiple interfaces for controlling coroutine behavior and retrieving coroutine status. Unlike promise_type, whose interfaces must be implemented by the programmer and are called by the compiler, coroutine_handle interfaces require no implementation and can be called directly.

coroutine_handle Interface Function
from_promise() Creates a coroutine_handle from a promise object
done() Checks if the coroutine has finished execution
operator bool Checks whether the current handle is a valid coroutine
operator() Resumes coroutine execution
resume() Resumes coroutine execution (same as above)
destroy() Destroys the coroutine
promise() Retrieves the coroutine’s promise object
address() Returns the pointer to coroutine_handle
from_address() Imports a coroutine_handle from a pointer

With the above reference list, we can now try to implement a coroutine that returns an int value.

(Run environment: - Select compiler version "x86-64 gcc (coroutines)")

using namespace std;

struct future_type_int{
    struct promise_type;
    using co_handle_type = std::coroutine_handle<promise_type>;
    struct promise_type{
        int ret_val;
            std::cout<<"promise_type constructor"<<std::endl;
            std::cout<<"promise_type destructor"<<std::endl;
        auto get_return_object(){
            return co_handle_type::from_promise(*this);
        auto initial_suspend(){
            return std::suspend_always();
        auto final_suspend() noexcept(true) {
            return std::suspend_never();
        void return_value(int val){
            std::cout<<"return_value : "<<val<<std::endl;
            ret_val = val;
        void unhandled_exception(){
        auto yield_value(int val){
            std::cout<<"yield_value : "<<val<<std::endl;
            ret_val = val;
            return std::suspend_always();
    future_type_int(co_handle_type co_handle){
        std::cout<<"future_type_int constructor"<<std::endl;
        co_handle_ = co_handle;
        std::cout<<"future_type_int destructor"<<std::endl;
    future_type_int(const future_type_int&) = delete;
    future_type_int(future_type_int&&) = delete;

    bool resume(){
        return !co_handle_.done();
    co_handle_type co_handle_;

future_type_int three_step_coroutine(){
    std::cout<<"three_step_coroutine begin"<<std::endl;
    co_yield 222;
    std::cout<<"three_step_coroutine running"<<std::endl;
    co_yield 333;
    std::cout<<"three_step_coroutine end"<<std::endl;
    co_return 444;
int main(){
    future_type_int future_obj = three_step_coroutine(); 
    std::cout<<"=======calling first resume======"<<std::endl;
    std::cout<<"ret_val = "<<future_obj.co_handle_.promise().ret_val<<std::endl;
    std::cout<<"=======calling second resume====="<<std::endl;
    std::cout<<"ret_val = "<<future_obj.co_handle_.promise().ret_val<<std::endl;
    std::cout<<"=======calling third resume======"<<std::endl;
    std::cout<<"ret_val = "<<future_obj.co_handle_.promise().ret_val<<std::endl;
    std::cout<<"=======main end======"<<std::endl;

    return 0;

It is worth noting that promise_type is a type name specified by the C++20 standard, whereas future_type is not—you can name it anything you like, such as future_type_int. As long as it contains a promise_type internally, it will compile successfully.

promise_type constructor
future_type constructor
=======calling first resume======
three_step_coroutine begin
yield_value : 222
ret_val = 222
=======calling second resume=====
three_step_coroutine running
yield_value : 333
ret_val = 333
=======calling third resume======
three_step_coroutine end
return_value : 444
promise_type destructor
ret_val = 444
=======main end======
future_type destructor

At this point, we can now answer the previously mentioned “Three Fundamental Questions”:

• When a coroutine is suspended, its call stack and related information are stored in the coroutine frame.

• The compiler is responsible for inserting code to create and destroy the coroutine frame, as well as saving and restoring the call stack.

• The return value is passed by the compiler to the promise object and stored in one of its members. The caller can obtain the promise object via coroutine_handle, and thereby access the return value.

Through the previous code example, we have already learned how to design a coroutine and return the desired value. Simply put:

But what is the purpose of co_await? In the coroutine example that returns an int value, we never used the co_await keyword from start to finish.

What is the significance of co_await?

In the coroutine example without a return value, there is a line inside the three_step_coroutine body:

co_await std::suspend_always();

Why does calling this line of code cause the coroutine to suspend?
In the coroutine example that returns an int value, our method of retrieving the return value is quite unrefined. How can we improve it?

co_await will answer all of these questions.

co_await、Awaitable and Awaiter

co_await is a unary operator. For the following code:

co_await xxx;

co_await is an operator, and xxx is its operand. Only when xxx is of an Awaitable type can it be used as an operand for co_await.
For example, std::suspend_always() is an Awaitable type.

What Makes a Type Awaitable?

• If the promise object of the current coroutine implements the await_transform method, then any co_await aaa; co_await bbb; appearing in the coroutine body will treat aaa and bbb as Awaitable.
The statement co_await xxx; will be transformed into co_await promise.await_transform(xxx); by the compiler.

• If xxx’s corresponding future_type implements the three methods await_ready, await_suspend, and await_resume, then xxx is also Awaitable.
This is the most common way to implement an Awaitable type.
std::suspend_always() falls into this category.

Only when xxx is Awaitable is the statement co_await xxx; syntactically valid.
From this, we can see that whether xxx is Awaitable depends not only on xxx itself but also on the promise_type implementation of the caller of co_await xxx;.
(Technically, the compiler first checks the promise_type of the caller. If await_transform is not implemented there, it then checks whether xxx implements await_ready, await_suspend, and await_resume.)

A class that implements the three methods await_ready, await_suspend, and await_resume is called an Awaiter type.

An Awaiter type is always Awaitable.
A non-Awaiter type may be Awaitable.

What Are the Functions of the Three Awaiter Interfaces?

Let’s first examine how the compiler processes co_await xxx; (ignoring exception handling):

	auto a = get_awaiter_object_of_xxx();
	if(!a.await_ready()) {
	#if(a.await_suspend returns void)
	#elseif(a.await_suspend returns bool)
		bool await_suspend_result = a.await_suspend(coroutine_handle);
		if (await_suspend_result)
			goto <resume_current_cocourine>;// This `goto` statement is redundant; it is included to emphasize the execution flow when `await_suspend_result == false`.
	#elseif(a.await_suspend returns another coroutine_handle)
	    auto another_coro_handle = a.await_suspend(coroutine_handle);
		// According to documentation, after executing `another_coro_handle.resume();`, control can still be returned to the caller of the current coroutine. 
    // However, the author doubts this behavior.
	return a.await_resume();

Similar to promise_type, programmers can implement interfaces such as await_ready for different scenarios to define the behavior of co_await.
It is easier to understand with a real-world example:

Suppose xxx is a coroutine, and we are the authors of this coroutine.
We want to customize the behavior when others use co_await xxx, so we implement the three Awaitable interfaces inside the future_type of xxx.
When the compiler encounters co_await xxx;, it processes it as follows:

• It retrieves the future object of xxx, then uses this object to obtain the awaiter object.
(The exact mechanism, represented as the get_awaiter_object_of_xxx function, is omitted here.
As long as future_type implements the three Awaitable interfaces, the awaiter object can be successfully retrieved.)

• It calls the await_ready interface.
If the resource that the caller coroutine is awaiting is already ready, or if waiting is unnecessary (i.e., it completes instantly),
our xxx coroutine can return true from this interface.

When the compiler sees this true, it knows there is no need to suspend the caller coroutine.
(Although suspending a coroutine is far less costly than suspending a thread, it still has overhead.)

As a result, the compiler directly calls await_resume and returns its result.
The purpose of the await_ready() method is to eliminate the cost of suspend_current_coroutine when it is known in advance that the operation will complete synchronously without suspension.

In most cases, the await_resume interface returns false. (Like std::suspend_always())

• If the resource that the current coroutine is waiting for is not yet ready in the xxx coroutine,
the compiler generates code to suspend the current coroutine, preparing to transfer control to the xxx coroutine.
This allows xxx to execute and prepare the required resource for the caller.

• After suspending the current coroutine, the compiler calls a.await_suspend, passing in the handle of the current coroutine.
Inside a.await_suspend, execution of the xxx coroutine can now be resumed.
Once await_suspend finishes execution, it returns a value, which can be one of four cases:

await_suspend returns void:
Control is returned to the caller of the current coroutine’s caller (i.e., the caller of xxx’s caller).
The current coroutine will resume execution from <resume_current_coroutine> at some future point,
eventually retrieving the return value from await_resume.

await_suspend returns true:
This behaves the same as returning void.

await_suspend returns false:
The current coroutine is resumed immediately via <resume_current_coroutine>,
then await_resume is called, and its return value is passed to the current coroutine.
Control remains with the current coroutine.

await_suspend returns a coroutine handle:
The resume method of the returned coroutine handle is called, resuming the corresponding coroutine.
This resumption can trigger a chain reaction, eventually causing the current coroutine to be resumed.
If the returned coroutine handle happens to be the handle of the current coroutine itself,
then the current coroutine is resumed directly.

Before calling await_suspend, the current coroutine is already fully suspended.
Therefore, the coroutine handle can be resumed from another thread.
However, this more complex scenario is beyond the scope of this discussion.

Simply put, for co_await xxx;, the process works as follows:

await_ready implemented by xxx informs the caller of xxx whether the caller coroutine needs to be suspended.

await_resume implemented by xxx is responsible for returning the value produced during the execution of xxx to its caller.

await_suspend implemented by xxx determines where control should go after xxx completes execution (which may include intermediate suspensions).

A bit confusing, isn’t it?
It becomes much clearer with a complete example:

using namespace std;

struct future_type_int{
    struct promise_type{
    int ret_val;
    using co_handle_type = std::coroutine_handle<promise_type>;
        std::cout<<"promise_type constructor"<<std::endl;
        std::cout<<"promise_type destructor"<<std::endl;
    auto get_return_object(){
        return co_handle_type::from_promise(*this);
    auto initial_suspend(){
        return std::suspend_always();
    auto final_suspend() noexcept(true) {
        return std::suspend_never();
    void return_value(int val){
    	std::cout<<"return_value : "<<val<<std::endl;
        ret_val = val;
    void unhandled_exception(){
    auto yield_value(int val){
        std::cout<<"yield_value : "<<val<<std::endl;
        ret_val = val;
        return std::suspend_always();
    using co_handle_type = std::coroutine_handle<promise_type>;
    future_type_int(co_handle_type co_handle){
        std::cout<<"future_type_int constructor"<<std::endl;
        co_handle_ = co_handle;
        std::cout<<"future_type_int destructor"<<std::endl;
    future_type_int(const future_type_int&) = delete;
    future_type_int(future_type_int&&) = delete;

    bool resume(){
        return !co_handle_.done();
    bool await_ready() { 
        return false; 
    bool await_suspend(std::coroutine_handle<> handle) {
        return false;
    auto await_resume() {
        return co_handle_.promise().ret_val;

    co_handle_type co_handle_;

future_type_int three_step_coroutine(){
    std::cout<<"three_step_coroutine begin"<<std::endl;
    co_yield 222;
    std::cout<<"three_step_coroutine running"<<std::endl;
    co_yield 333;
    std::cout<<"three_step_coroutine end"<<std::endl;
    co_return 444;

struct future_type_void{
	struct promise_type;
	using co_handle_type = std::coroutine_handle<promise_type>;
	struct promise_type{
	        std::cout<<"promise_type constructor void"<<std::endl;
	        std::cout<<"promise_type destructor void"<<std::endl;
	    auto get_return_object(){
	    	std::cout<<"get_return_object void"<<std::endl;
	        return co_handle_type::from_promise(*this);
	    auto initial_suspend(){
	    	std::cout<<"initial_suspend void"<<std::endl;
	        return std::suspend_always();
	    auto final_suspend() noexcept(true) {
	    	std::cout<<"final_suspend void"<<std::endl;
	        return std::suspend_never();
	    void unhandled_exception(){
	    	std::cout<<"unhandled_exception void"<<std::endl;
	    void return_void(){
	    	std::cout<<"return_void void: "<<std::endl;

    future_type_void(co_handle_type co_handle){
        std::cout<<"future_type_void constructor"<<std::endl;
        co_handle_ = co_handle;
        std::cout<<"future_type_void destructor"<<std::endl;
    future_type_void(const future_type_void&) = delete;
    future_type_void(future_type_void&&) = delete;

    bool resume(){
        return !co_handle_.done();

    co_handle_type co_handle_;
future_type_void call_coroutine(){
    auto future = three_step_coroutine();
    std::cout<<"++++++++call three_step_coroutine first++++++++"<<std::endl;
    auto val = co_await future;
    std::cout<<"++++++++call three_step_coroutine second++++++++, val: "<<val<<std::endl;
    val = co_await future; 
    std::cout<<"++++++++call three_step_coroutine third++++++++, val: "<<val<<std::endl;
    val = co_await future; 
    std::cout<<"++++++++call three_step_coroutine end++++++++, val: "<<val<<std::endl;
int main(){
    auto ret = call_coroutine();
    std::cout<<"++++++++begine call_coroutine resume in main++++++++"<<std::endl;
    std::cout<<"++++++++end call_coroutine resume in main++++++++"<<std::endl;
    return 0;


promise_type constructor void
get_return_object void
initial_suspend void
future_type_void constructor
++++++++begine call_coroutine resume in main++++++++
promise_type constructor
future_type_int constructor
++++++++call three_step_coroutine first++++++++
three_step_coroutine begin
yield_value : 222
++++++++call three_step_coroutine second++++++++, val: 222
three_step_coroutine running
yield_value : 333
++++++++call three_step_coroutine third++++++++, val: 333
three_step_coroutine end
return_value : 444
promise_type destructor
++++++++call three_step_coroutine end++++++++, val: 444
return_void void: 
future_type_int destructor
final_suspend void
promise_type destructor void
++++++++end call_coroutine resume in main++++++++
future_type_void destructor

We can see that each time co_await future; is called, it returns a value from a co_yield statement inside three_step_coroutine.

In future_type_int, we implemented the await_suspend method to return false, ensuring that after co_await future;, control returns to the call_coroutine coroutine instead of the main function.

You can try changing the return value of await_suspend to better understand how this return value affects the behavior of co_await.

At this point, you should also understand why co_await std::suspend_always() suspends the current coroutine—because suspend_always is implemented as follows:

constexpr bool await_ready() const noexcept { return false; }
constexpr void await_suspend(std::coroutine_handle<>) const noexcept {}
constexpr void await_resume() const noexcept {}

await_ready returning false ensures that the current coroutine will be suspended,
while await_suspend returning void ensures that after the coroutine is suspended,
control is returned to the caller of the current coroutine.
That’s all there is to it.

Personal Thoughts on Coroutine Issues:

  1. The semantics of co_await are inconsistent—it can mean either “invoke & await” or “invoke & suspend,”
    depending on the coroutine library implementation, which creates readability challenges in code.

This concludes the discussion on coroutines in C++20.
When learning C++ coroutines, many concepts require careful consideration,
such as the relationship between Awaiter and Awaitable.
Researching compiler-inserted code for coroutines can help deepen understanding of these concepts.

Due to limited knowledge, there may be omissions in this article.
Readers are welcome to reach out for discussion and feedback.
