05 Apr 2022前言:C++模板的演进 模板的演进是C++发展史中一条十分重要的线,个人觉得Concept是这条线中最大的一个特性了。在介绍Concept之前,我们先捋一捋模板这条线的发展。
title C++ Templates Evolution
1979 : C with Classes - First Implementation
1988 : First Formal Proposal of Templates
1998 : Templates Enter the Standard (Function/Class Templates, SFINAE)
2011 : C++11 Variadic Templates
2014 : C++14 Variable Templates, Generic Lambda
2017 : C++17 Template Parameter Deduction, if constexpr
2020 : C++20 Concepts
据Stroustrup先生回忆, 对模板的设想早在1982年便有了,正式提出是在1998年的 USENIX C++ conference会议上提出,设计模板的初衷是因为当时的C++缺少一个标准库,而当时没有模板的C++很难设计出“vector、list”这种适用于多种类型的容器。 到1998年模板正式进入标准,在这之前C++模板已经是一个图灵完备的语言了——理论上来讲,可以只用模板代码解决任何可计算的问题。用递归实现循环、模板特化、偏特化实现分支判断。例如下面这个模板可以在编译期计算的fibonacci函数:
template<int N>
int fibonacci() {
return fibonacci<N-1>() + fibonacci<N-2>();
int fibonacci<1>() { return 1; }
int fibonacci<0>() { return 0; }
SFINAE特性为上述代码的运作提供了保障。两个模板的特化构造了递归的退出条件,“隐式”的实现了if判断的功能。到了C++17,有了if constexpr,上面这段代码可以写的更加“直白”
template<int N>
constexpr int fibonacci(){
if constexpr(N <= 1)
return N;
return fibonacci<N-1>() + fibonacci<N-2>();
auto val = fibonacci<5>();
、还是if constexpr
template <typename T, std::enable_if_t<std::is_enum<T>::value, bool> = true>
void func(const T& value) {
template <typename T, std::enable_if_t<std::is_arithmetic<T>::value, bool> = true>
void func(const T& value) {
func有一个重载,func的内部逻辑需要区分value的类型:enum跟数值类型分开处理。为了使编译器能够在实例化时匹配到正确的函数模板,我们用std::enable_if_t这一长串的代码,功能实现了,但代码十分冗长、可读性不好。 此时concept可以登场了。
1,什么是concept ——对T的约束(的集合) 通过一个简单的例子来展示“对T的约束”
template<typename T>
concept Integral = std::is_integral<T>::value;
template<Integral T>
bool equal(const T& a, const T& b){
return a == b;
函数模板equal返回两个值是否相等,这个操作不能用在浮点类型中。为防止该模板被float等浮点类型实例化,使用一个Integral concept来约束T——也就是强制保证该模板只能使用整数类型实例化。 函数模板equal的T不再是一个“typename”,变成了“Integral”,显然语义上Integral更精准。当我们试图用浮点类型实例化时,会给出错误:
auto value_a = equal(1, 3); //OK
auto value_b = equal(0.11, 0.33); //ERROR
equal(0.11, 0.33) 会在编译时报错:
2,我们为什么需要concept 假如使用std::enable_if来实现上述功能,可以从代码可读性以及报错信息两个方面来感受concept的便捷: 1,更好的代码可读性
template<typename T, std::enable_if_t<std::is_integral<T>::value, bool> = true>
bool equal_2(const T& a, const T& b){
return a == b;
template<my_concept T>
void func(T t);
void func(my_concept t);
template<typename T> requires my_concept<T>
void func(T t);
template<typename T>
void func(T t) requires my_concept<T>;
template<typename T> requires concept_a<T> && concept_b<T> || sizeof<T> == 4
void func(T t);
Concept | Description in |
same_as |
A type that is identical to another type. |
derived_from |
A type derived from another type. |
convertible_to |
A type that can be explicitly or implicitly converted to another type. |
common_reference_with |
Two types that share a common reference type. |
common_with |
Two types that share a common type after type promotion. |
integral |
A type that is an integer type. |
signed_integral |
A type that is a signed integer type. |
unsigned_integral |
A type that is an unsigned integer type. |
floating_point |
A type that is a floating-point type. |
assignable_from |
A type that can be assigned a value from another type. |
swappable |
A type whose instances can be swapped, or two types that can be swapped with each other. |
swappable_with |
Two types that can be swapped with each other. |
destructible |
A type whose objects can be properly destroyed. |
constructible_from |
A type whose variables can be constructed from a set of argument types, or explicitly initialized with argument types. |
default_constructible |
A type whose objects can be default-constructed. |
move_constructible |
A type whose objects can be move-constructed. |
copy_constructible |
A type whose objects can be copy-constructed and move-constructed. |
boolean |
A type that can be used in boolean logic. |
equality_comparable |
A type where the == operator defines an equality relationship. |
equality_comparable_with |
A type that can define equality relationships with another type. |
totally_ordered |
A type where comparison operators define a total order. |
totally_ordered_with |
A type that can define a total order relationship with another type. |
movable |
A type whose objects can be moved and swapped. |
copyable |
A type whose objects can be copied (copyable ) and moved (movable ). |
semiregular |
A type that is copyable and supports default initialization. |
regular |
A type that is semiregular and also equality comparable (equality_comparable ). |
invocable |
A callable type that can be invoked with a given set of argument types. |
regular_invocable |
A callable type that adheres to the rules of regular invocation. |
predicate |
A callable type that evaluates to a boolean value. |
relation |
A callable type that evaluates to a binary relationship. |
strict_weak_order |
A binary relationship that imposes a strict weak ordering. |
readable |
A type that can be read using the dereference operator * . |
writable |
A type whose referenced object can be written to via an iterator. |
weakly_incrementable |
A semiregular type that supports prefix and postfix increment operations. |
incrementable |
A weakly_incrementable type where increment operations preserve equality comparability. |
input_or_output_iterator |
A type whose object can be incremented and dereferenced. |
sentinel_for |
A type that acts as a positional indicator for an input_or_output_iterator . |
sized_sentinel_for |
A type that acts as a sentinel for an iterator, supporting difference calculations with constant time. |
input_iterator |
A type for reading values via an input iterator, supporting prefix/postfix increment operations. |
output_iterator |
A type for writing values via an output iterator, supporting prefix/postfix increment operations. |
forward_iterator |
A type that extends input_iterator with equality comparison and multi-pass traversal. |
bidirectional_iterator |
A forward_iterator that supports backward traversal. |
random_access_iterator |
A bidirectional_iterator supporting constant-time random access for forward and backward traversal. |
contiguous_iterator |
A random_access_iterator that points to elements stored contiguously in memory. |
range |
Specifies a type as a range, providing begin and end iterators. |
safe_range |
Specifies a range type that safely returns iterators without undefined behavior. |
sized_range |
Specifies a range where the size can be determined in constant time. |
view |
Specifies a range that supports constant-time copy, move, and assignment. |
input_range |
Specifies a range whose iterator satisfies input_iterator . |
output_range |
Specifies a range whose iterator satisfies output_iterator . |
forward_range |
Specifies a range whose iterator satisfies forward_iterator . |
bidirectional_range |
Specifies a range whose iterator satisfies bidirectional_iterator . |
random_access_range |
Specifies a range whose iterator satisfies random_access_iterator . |
contiguous_range |
Specifies a range whose iterator satisfies contiguous_iterator . |
common_range |
Specifies a range with compatible iterators and sentinels. |
viewable_range |
Specifies a range that can be safely converted to a view . |
头文件内的concept无法满足实际需求的 场景,我们就需要定义自己的concept:
template <template-parameter-list >
concept concept-name = constraint-expression;
template<typename T>
concept V = V<T*>; // Error: 不能递归定义
template<C1 T>
concept Error1 = true; // Error: 不能被其他concept约束
template<class T> requires C1<T>
concept Error2 = true; // Error: 不能被其他concept约束
template <typename T, typename B>
concept Derived = std::is_base_of<B, T>::value;
template<Derived<Base> T>
void f(T param);
6,requires关键字 我们在第3节中已经介绍过requires关键字,它可以引出一个“require-clause”(require子句)来实现约束,require子句可以配合 && 、|| 操作符灵活组合多个约束。 除了require-clause之外,requires关键字还有另外一种用法,那就是require-expression:
requires {requirement-seq}
requires (parameter-list) {requirement-seq}
template<typename T>
concept C = requires(T x, T y) {
x+y; // x+y有意义(x与y可以相加)
T::func(); // T类型定义了静态方法func(public)
x.func2(); // T类型定义了非静态方法func2(public)
&x; // x可以取地址
sizeof(T) == 10;// sizeof(T)可以与10比较——该约束永远为成立
typename T::MyType; // MyType是T内定义的一个内置类型(public)
//1, x.func() 合法(func是x的成员方法)
//2, MyType在T内有定义
//3, func()的返回值可以转换为MyType
{x.func()} -> std::convertible_to<typename T::MyType>;
//x.func() 合法且不会抛出异常
{x.func()} noexcept;
requires MyConcept<T>; //T满足MyConcept概念的约束
requires (sizeof(T) == 4);//T的对象占用4字节内存
使用requires-expression可以定义逻辑非常复杂的concept,()内是参数列表——是可省略的,{}内是约束列表。约束列表中的表达式会在编译器检查其合法性(并不是求表达式的值,只是做一个可行性检查),结果是true或者false。若约束列表中的表达式都能通过,则本条requires表达式的值为true。在本例中,x+y; 约束并不会真的相加求值,而是要求x与y是“可相加的”。 约束列表中的约束可以分为四类:
- 简单约束:一个随意的表达式,编译器只检查其语法合法性。x+y; 便是一个简单约束。
- 类型约束: 以typename开头,后跟随一个类型名。
- 复合约束: 形如{ expression } noexcept(可略) -> return-type-requirement(可略) ;编译器会检查expression的合法性,假如noexcept有被使用,编译器还会检查expression有无潜在的抛出异常的可能,最后,假如return-type-requirement没被省略,则检查exp
- 嵌套约束: 以requires关键字开头,后跟其他约束表达式
- concept是手段,是实现约束的手段,constraints——约束才是目的。
- concept的本质是一个集合——该集合内定义了一个或多个“条件”,编译期将这些“条件”实施到T上,若T不满足这些“条件”中的任何一个则给出编译错误,这个过程便是约束。
- concept之于模板的意义,恰似模板之于普通代码的意义。后者将某个具体类型泛化成T,前者则给T以约束。